SNMP polling

In order to setup SNMP polling in prozzie, is advisable to add all snmp agents to SENSORS_ARRAY environment variable before use monitor setup, using the format described in monitor readme.

For example:

MONITOR_SENSORS_ARRAY='{"sensor_id":1,"timeout":2000,"sensor_name": "my-sensor","sensor_ip": "","snmp_version":"2c","community" : "public","monitors": [{"name": "mem_total", "oid": "HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrMemorySize.0", "unit": "%"}]}'

To configure SNMP you can use prozzie config setup snmp

SNMP traps

To listen for snmp in a specific port you have to use the TRAPS_PORT environment variable. This variable is defined in docker-compose yaml file with port number 162 by default.

You can check that messages are properly delivered using prozzie kafka consume <your-monitor-topic>.

Custom mibs

Monitor connector includes all net-snmp mibs distributed MIBs. If you want to add more, the easier way is to set the MONITOR_CUSTOM_MIB_PATH variable. When you set it, the next things happens:

  • If the path is a directory or a docker volume, all files under that are added to custom MIBs.
  • If the path is a file, that file will be copied to custom mibs.
  • If the variable is monitor_custom_mibs, nothing happens.
  • Otherwise, you have an error.

Internally, all variables are added to prozzie_monitor_custom_mibs volume. The procedure to delete old MIBs is to manually mount the volume in a temporary container and delete it:

docker run --rm -it -v prozzie_monitor_custom_mibs:/mibs --workdir /mibs alpine sh


Seconds between monitor polling. By default 25
Topic to produce monitor metrics. By default monitor
Monitor custom MIB volume. By default monitor_custom_mibs
Monitor agents array. By default ''