The flat mapper functions transforms stream one message to zero or many messages 1 to zero OR 1 to many.


The JqFlatMapper is a special mapper that allows us to use Jq Syntax, internally the mapper uses eiiches/jackson-jq library to build the jq query.

  "properties": {
    "jqQuery": "{ids:[.ids|split(\",\")[]|tonumber|.+100],name}"

You only need to set he property jqQuery where you must define a new JSON. The above function transform this input message into this output message.


{"ids": "12,15,23", "name": "jackson", "timestamp": 1418785331123}


{"ids": [112, 115, 123], "name": "jackson"}


The SplitterFlatMapper is a flatMapper that process a single message and produce one or more messages. This flatMapper split a message into multiples messages based on the difference of time.

  "properties": {
    "dimensions": ["bytes", "pkts"],
    "timestampDim": "timestamp",
    "firstTimestampDim": "first_switch"

On this flatMapper you have three properties:

  • dimensions: The dimension that the mapper should split.
  • timestampDim: The dimension that indicate the current time.
  • first_switch: The dimension that indicate the previous time.

This mapper process a message and divide the bytes and pkts counters across multiple output messages based on the minutes difference between timestamp and first_switch.


{"timestamp": 1477379967, "first_switch": 1477379847, "bytes": 120, "pkts": 60}


{"timestamp": 1477379847, "bytes": 60, "pkts": 30}
{"timestamp": 1477379967, "bytes": 60, "pkts": 30}


This flatMapper allows us to do a flatten array using all the other message fields.

  "properties": {
    "flatDimension": "my_array_dim"

On this flatMapper, you only need to specify the property flatDimension, this dimension must be an Json Array.


{"timestamp": 1477379967, "my_array_dim": [{"my_first": 1, "my_second": 2}, {"other_first": 1, "other_second": 2}], "outside_field":"outside_value"}


{"timestamp": 1477379967, "outside_field":"outside_value", "my_first": 1, "my_second": 2}
{"timestamp": 1477379967, "outside_field":"outside_value", "other_first": 1, "other_second": 2}


The formatterFlatMapper allows us to generate one or more message from a unique message. It allows us to select the different dimensions to build the new output messages.

On this flatMapper you have three properties:

  • commonFields: The dimension that the mapper must select on the input message and put on all output messages.
  • filters: This mapper allows us to apply filter to create multiple stream branches into the function.
  • generators: The generators apply on each input message transforming it on a new output message. Currently, there are two generators:
    • constant: The constant generator is used to add constant value to the output message.
    • fieldValue: The fieldValue generator select a specific field form the input message and put it on the output message.
  • passIfNotApply: This property enable/disable if the flatmapper allows to send the messages, that don’t apply on any filter, to the next function. Default value: false
  "inputs": {
    "topic1": [
  "streams": {
    "stream1": {
      "funcs": [
          "name": "myFormatterFlatMapper",
          "className": "io.wizzie.normalizer.funcs.impl.FormatterFlatMapper",
          "properties": {
            "commonFields": ["timestamp", "user_id"],
            "filters": [
              {"name": "inside", "className": "io.wizzie.normalizer.funcs.impl.FieldFilter", "properties": {"dimension": "location", "value": "inside"}},
              {"name": "outside", "className": "io.wizzie.normalizer.funcs.impl.FieldFilter", "properties": {"dimension": "location", "value": "outside"}}
            "generators": [
                "filter": "outside",
                "definitions": [
                    "apply": [
                      {"field": "location", "content": {"type": "constant", "value": "garden"}},
                      {"field": "light", "content": {"type": "fieldValue", "value": "dev_1"}}
                    "apply": [
                      {"field": "location", "content": {"type": "constant", "value": "swimming pool"}},
                      {"field": "cleaner_engine", "content": {"type": "fieldValue", "value": "dev_2"}}
                "filter": "inside",
                "definitions": [
                    "apply": [
                      {"field": "location", "content": {"type": "constant", "value": "kitchen"}},
                      {"field": "light", "content": {"type": "fieldValue", "value": "light_1"}}
                    "apply": [
                      {"field": "location", "content": {"type": "constant", "value": "bedroom"}},
                      {"field": "light", "content": {"type": "fieldValue", "value": "light_2"}}
      "sinks": [
          "topic": "output"


{"timestamp": 1477379967, "user_id": "MY_USER_ID", "location": "outside", "dev_1": "ON", "dev_2": "OFF"}
{"timestamp": 1477379967, "user_id": "MY_USER_ID", "location": "inside", "light_1": "ON", "light_2": "ON"}


{"timestamp": 1477379967, "user_id": "MY_USER_ID", "location": "garden", "light":"ON"}
{"timestamp": 1477379967, "user_id": "MY_USER_ID", "location": "swimming pool", "cleaner_engine":"OFF"}
{"timestamp": 1477379967, "user_id": "MY_USER_ID", "location": "kitchen", "light":"ON"}
{"timestamp": 1477379967, "user_id": "MY_USER_ID", "location": "bedroom", "light":"OFF"}