First of all, thanks for contribute to Wizzie prozzie! Here you will find guidelines to add features or fix the project.

I don’t want to contribute, I just have a question to do

Please review the project FAQs to check if your question already has an answer. In another case, feel free to raise an issue with the label question, and it will be answered ASAP.

What should I know before I get started

Prozzie is composed of pieces, and it could happen that the changes you want to do doesn’t belong to prozzie but one of its components. In that case, please try to identify the issue’s right place to be.

For example, if you want a new feature or behavior in Prozzie CLI, you will probably need to modify this repository. If you are going to support a new feature in the supported protocols, you probably need to address the issue to that protocol handler connector.

But if you know that the protocol handler connector does what you want to do, and there is no way to achieve it with prozzie, then you need to address the issue here.

How can I test prozzie dirt-and-quickly

Install “In a docker”

You can run a docker container that can control the host docker using this command:

docker run -it -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ubuntu:16.04

And then install prozzie using the install instructions, or a development version if you mount the repository with -v <prozzie_path>:/prozzie and execute /prozzie/ If you install it from curl, or want to clone the repo, you will need to install ca-certificates before.

Be careful with that method because you can’t autodetect public IP address that way: The detected IP address will be that container’s one, and kafka will be unreachable. You need to use the host public IP manually.

Please note that this container is handling the host docker daemon, so you will see the containers it creates using docker ps at the host. This is in no way a safer way to test anything, and docker daemon will not purge prozzie containers at this container’s exit: you have to delete them manually at the end (if you want).

Testing a protocol: Using a test environment image

If you need to test one of the prozzie connectors individually, it may be easier to use some of the prepared images. Do not trust in this images stability: included tools will be added and deleted as a convenience, so if you want to relay in them to your tests, please use your image.

The testing instruction will be analogous to the previous answer, but using wizzieio/prozzie-test-env:ubuntu-16.04 as the image.

Adding an enhancement/feature

… in the prozzie docs

If you want to enhance docs, just change it and send a PR.

… in the prozzie cli

Check cli and Add a test

Add a connector


Check compose, cli, and Add a test

Kafka-connect based

Currently, you have to extend container. A more dynamic way to do it is on development.

Add a test

Check tests