On this tutorial, we are going to deploy a new WDP infrastructure on a preexisting Kubernetes cluster, and make some common operations with it.
- A preconfigured Kubernetes cluster.
- kubectl installed and with context configured to have admin access to this kubernetes cluster.
- WDP-CLI installed.
- A S3 Bucket and Access Keys with write permissions on this bucket.
- A postgresql database.
We recommend to read documentation about Prelude and Terra-box before follow this tutorial to learn some important concepts.
Adding a new deploy
First of all, we need to add a new deploy. To do that we need:
- Terra-box repository url (git format)
- A git repository (storage repository) url to save the deploy state and configuration (git format)
Then, you can execute to create a deploy called example
wdp config deploy add example -t <TERRABOX_URL> -s <STORAGE_URL> -k <K8S_CONTEXT>
More information about this command in the CLI Reference
Configuring WDP version and platform
Now we choose which version of WDP we want to use and for which platform (see supported platforms). To list available WDP versions and platforms execute:
wdp deploy list-versions
wdp deploy list-platforms
For example, with this commands you can use 1.0.X (Dance) version of WDP for on-premise platform.
wdp deploy use-version 1.0.X
wdp deploy use-platform onpremise
Editing vars
As it’s explained on Terra-box documentation, we need to configure some required variables in order deploy global components of WDP.
For our example, we need to edit base and platform vars. Let’s start with base.
Executing wdp deploy edit base
, a text editor will be opened to edit base variables:
# context = "CONFIGURE"
# namespace = "CONFIGURE"
# psql_server = "CONFIGURE"
# psql_port = "OPTIONAL"
# s3_endpoint = "CONFIGURE"
# kong_pg_database = "CONFIGURE"
# kong_pg_user = "CONFIGURE"
# kong_pg_password = "CONFIGURE"
# druid_psql_user = "CONFIGURE"
# druid_psql_password = "CONFIGURE"
# druid_bucket = "CONFIGURE"
# druid_s3_access_key = "CONFIGURE"
# druid_s3_secret_key = "CONFIGURE"
# wizz-in_pg_user = "CONFIGURE"
# wizz-in_pg_password = "CONFIGURE"
# wizz-in_admin_email = "OPTIONAL"
# wizz-in_admin_password = "OPTIONAL"
# wizz-in_app_url = "OPTIONAL"
## wizz-in optional mail settings
# wizz-in_mail_server = "OPTIONAL"
# wizz-in_mail_port = "OPTIONAL"
# wizz-in_mail_use_tls = "OPTIONAL"
# wizz-in_mail_username = "OPTIONAL"
# wizz-in_mail_password = "OPTIONAL"
# grafana_pg_user = "CONFIGURE"
# grafana_pg_password = "CONFIGURE"
# grafana_admin_user = "CONFIGURE"
# grafana_admin_password = "CONFIGURE"
# wizz-vis_pg_user = "CONFIGURE"
# wizz-vis_pg_password = "CONFIGURE"
# wizz-vis_app_url = "OPTIONAL"
# wizz-vis_mapbox_token = "OPTIONAL"
You have to provide every variable commented with CONFIGURE
. Check the
vars reference to learn more about vars.
Also, platform vars must be configured using wdp deploy edit platform
. In this
example, we are using the onpremise
# cdomain = "CONFIGURE"
# batuta_ingress_host = "OPTIONAL"
# grafana_ingress_host = "OPTIONAL"
# kong_ingress_host_http = "OPTIONAL"
# kong_ingress_host_https = "OPTIONAL"
# wizz-in_ingress_host = "OPTIONAL"
# wizz-vis_ingress_host = "OPTIONAL"
is the DNS domain that will be configured for
ingress controllers on k8s.
Applying the deploy
Now, you have the deploy configured to be applied on the kubernetes cluster. To do that, you have to execute:
wdp deploy apply <COMMIT MESSAGE>
This command will show you a terraform plan with a description of deployment operations and will ask you if you want to apply this changes.
Are you sure to apply the current deploy? [y/N]
Press y
to apply them and wait for deployment to finish.
Check the CLI reference to know more about this command.