We have a docker-compose available to deploy all the services necessary for the development environment.

Depending on your OS, there are different ways of installing Docker and Docker Compose. Please, visit https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/

Once you have Docker Compose installed, follow the below steps:

  1. Clone the repository and enter de directory.
    git clone git@github.com:wizzie-io/wizz-vis.git
    git checkout v0.11
    cd wizz-vis/
  2. Modify the .env file or create an new one (.env.local) and reference it in the docker-compose.yml file. You have to set, at least, the DRUID_URL value. Then, execute the docker compose and start all the services.
    docker-compose up -d
  3. You can check the status of the containers executing:
    docker-compose ps
  4. From now, you can play with the code, and the changes will be hot reloaded.