Boostrapper Configuration

The bootstrapper is the mechanism that is used to load stream config into cep. You can configure the boostrapper class on the config file, using bootstrapper.classname property. Currently, the cep has two bootstrappers:


Kafka Bootstrapper


This bootstrapper read the stream config from Kafka, so you can change the stream topology without restart the service. The bootstrapper is reading the topic __cep_bootstrap using a kafka consumer instance with a random

Property Description
bootstrap.kafka.topics Topics that are used to read the bootstrapper configuration The app id to identify the client configuration
bootstrap.servers The kafka broker to read the bootstrapper configuration


The StreamerKafkaConfig tool allow us to send new stream config to the cep and read the current stream config.

You can use the script to use this tool. The tool has two modes:

Read Mode

The read mode allow us to read the current stream configuration to specific cep instance.


Write Mode

The write mode allow us to send new stream configuration to specific cep instance.


Library: Bootstrapper

File Bootstrapper


This bootstrapper read the stream config from local file system, and build a KS topology using this file. You need to add the properties on the configuration file.

Property Description
file.bootstrapper.path Stream config file path

Library: Bootstrapper