How to get Enricher image

You can pull the docker image from our registry:

$ docker pull wizzieio/enricher:latest

How to use this image

Enricher requires a running Kafka broker before it starts.


First, start a zookeeper container by executing:

$ docker run --rm --name zookeeper-svc --net=host wurstmeister/zookeeper

You can find more information about wurstmeister/zookeeper image here


Now, start a kafka broker container by executing:

$ docker run --rm --name kafka-broker --net=host -e KAFKA_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME=localhost -e KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT=localhost:2181 -e KAFKA_ADVERTISED_PORT=9092 wurstmeister/kafka:

You can find more information about wurstmeister/kafka image here

Start Enricher

Once kafka broker is up, we can start a Enricher container and link it to the kafka broker, and configuring the APPLICATION_ID environment variable with our custom app name:

$ docker run --rm --name my-enricher --net=host -e APPLICATION_ID=my-enricher-app -e KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER=localhost:9092 wizzieio/enricher:latest

Now you can follow the base tutorial to test Enricher!

Using environment variables in enricher configuration

You can configure the docker image using these environment properties:

Env Property Description Default Value
APPLICATION_ID This id is used to identify a group of enricher instances null
KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER Kafka servers list null
NUM_STREAM_THREADS Number parallelism 1
METRIC_ENABLE Enable the metrics true
METRIC_INTERVAL The interval time to report metrics (milliseconds) 60000
MULTI_ID Configure the property Multi Tenant false
MAX_OUTPUT_KAFKA_TOPICS Max limit of output kafka topics 500
GLOBAL_TOPICS Configure the global.topics property Multi Tenant []

You can found more information about base configuration here