The Base Enrich is a simple enricher that complements the information of received messages.

The enrichment system can be either SQL or NoSQL database, a CSV file or any other data store system.

Simple Enrich

Image above represents the base enrich behaviour:

  1. Enricher receives a message from stream topic.
  2. Enricher enrich the received message with a external data store system.
  3. Enricher sends the enrich message to output topic.

It important to emphasise that a message doesn’t need to have a key like the joiners.


The StaticDataEnrich allows us to enrich streams with the static information given by us. You can define the data in the property section:

  "name": "staticDataEnrich",
  "className": "io.wizzie.enricher.enrichment.simple.impl.StaticDataEnrich",
  "properties": {
    "DIMENSION-A": [
           "ifValueIsEqualTo": "VALUE-A",
           "enrichWith": {"field1": "value1"}
            "ifValueIsEqualTo": "VALUE-B",
            "enrichWith": {"field2": true, "field3": 17}
    "DIMENSION-B": [
            "ifValueIsEqualTo": "VALUE-C",
            "enrichWith": {"field4": 1.23}

On this enricher you have the next properties:

  • ifValueIsEqualTo: Check if value of specified dimension is equal to provide value.
  • enrichWith: The dimension that contains the json map to enrich.

This enricher processes a message and returns the defined static fields.




{"DIMENSION-A": "VALUE-B", "field1": "value1"}
{"DIMENSION-A": "VALUE-B", "field2": true, "field3": 17}
{"DIMENSION-A": "VALUE-B", "field4": 1.23}


The GeoIpEnrich allows us enrich streams with information about IP location, internally the enricher uses MaxMind databases in order to determine the IP information.

  "properties": {
    "src.dim": "src_ip",
    "dst.dim": "dst_ip",
    "": "src_country_code",
    "": "dst_country_code",
    "": "src_as_name",
    "": "dst_as_name",
    "asn.db.path": "/opt/enricher/data/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb",
    "city.db.path": "/opt/enricher/data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb"

On this enricher you have the next properties:

Dimensions: You can set the dimensions’ name with the next properties.

Property Description Default Value
src.dim The dimension that contains source IP src
dst.dim The dimension that contains destiny IP dst The target dimension for name information about source IP src_as_name The target dimension for name information about destiny IP dst_as_name The target dimension for country code information about source IP src_country_code The target dimension for country code information about destiny IP dst_country_code The target dimension for country iso code information about source IP src_country_iso_code The target dimension for country iso code information about destiny IP dst_country_iso_code .in.european.union.dim The target dimension for country is in european union information about source IP src_country_is_in_european_union .in.european.union.dim The target dimension for country is in european union information about destiny IP dst_country_is_in_european_union The target dimension for country name information about source IP src_country_name The target dimension for country name information about destiny IP dst_country_name The target dimension for continent name information about source IP src_continent_name The target dimension for continent name information about destiny IP dst_continent_name
src.continent.code.dim The target dimension for continent code information about source IP src_continent_code
dst.continent.code.dim The target dimension for continent code information about destiny IP dst_continent_code The target dimension for city information about source IP src_city_name The target dimension for city information about destiny IP dst_city_name
src.postal.code.dim The target dimension for postal code information about source IP src_postal_code
dst.postal.code.dim The target dimension for postal code information about destiny IP dst_postal_code
src.latitude.dim The target dimension for latitude information about source IP src_latitude
dst.latitude.dim The target dimension for latitude information about destiny IP dst_latitude
src.longitude.dim The target dimension for longitude information about source IP src_longitude
dst.longitude.dim The target dimension for longitude information about destiny IP dst_longitude The target dimension for is anonymous information about source IP src_is_anonymous The target dimension for is anonymous information about destiny IP dst_is_anonymous The target dimension for is anonymous vpn information about source IP src_is_anonymous_vpn The target dimension for is anonymous vpn information about destiny IP dst_is_anonymous_vpn The target dimension for is hosting provider information about source IP src_is_hosting_provider The target dimension for is hosting provider information about destiny IP dst_is_hosting_provider The target dimension for is tor exit node information about source IP src_is_tor_exit_node The target dimension for is tor exit node information about destiny IP dst_is_tor_exit_node The target dimension for is public proxy information about source IP src_is_public_proxy The target dimension for is public proxy information about destiny IP dst_is_public_proxy The target dimension for is legitimate proxy information about source IP src_is_legitimate_proxy The target dimension for is legitimate proxy information about destiny IP dst_is_legitimate_proxy
src.timezone.dim The target dimension for timezone information about source IP src_timezone
dst.timezone.dim The target dimension for timezone information about destiny IP dst_timezone

Databases: You can define the path of databases using the next properties:

Property Description Default Value
asn.db.path Path to ASN database /opt/share/GeoIP2/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb
city.db.path Path to city database /opt/share/GeoIP2/GeoLite2-City.mmdb

Other properties: You can use the next properties:

Property Description Default Value Allow you get additional information if it’s enable false


{"src": "", "dst": ""}


    "src": "",
    "dst": "",
    "dst_country_code": "US",
    "src_country_code": "US",
    "src_as_name": "Google LLC",
    "dst_as_name": "Google LLC",
    "src_longitude": -97.822,
    "src_latitude": 37.751,
    "dst_longitude": -97.822,
    "dst_latitude": 37.751

With property to true you will get:


{"src": "2001:4860:4860::8888", "dst": "2001:4860:4860::8844"}


    "src": "2001:4860:4860::8888",
    "dst": "2001:4860:4860::8844",
    "dst_country_code": "US",
    "src_country_code": "US",
    "src_as_name": "Google LLC",
    "dst_as_name": "Google LLC",
    "src_longitude": -97.822,
    "src_latitude": 37.751,
    "dst_longitude": -97.822,
    "dst_latitude": 37.751,
    "src_country_name": "United States",
    "dst_country_name": "United States",
    "src_continent_name": "North America",
    "dst_continent_name": "North America",
    "src_continent_code": "NA",
    "dst_continent_code": "NA",
    "src_is_anonymous": false,
    "dst_is_anonymous": false,
    "src_is_public_proxy": false,
    "dst_is_public_proxy": false,
    "src_is_legitimate_proxy": false,
    "dst_is_legitimate_proxy": false,
    "src_is_hosting_provider": false,
    "dst_is_hosting_provider": false,
    "src_is_tor_exit_node": false,
    "dst_is_tor_exit_node": false,
    "src_is_anonymous_vpn": false,
    "dst_is_anonymous_vpn": false


The MacVendorEnrich allows us enrich streams with information about Mac vendors internally the enricher uses database in order to determine the mac vendor.

  "name": "macVendor",
  "className": "io.wizzie.enricher.enrichment.MacVendorEnrich",
  "properties": {
    "oui.file.path": "/opt/enricher/data/mac_vendors",
    "mac.dim": "client_mac",
    "mac.vendor.dim": "client_mac_vendor"

On this enricher you have the next properties:

  • oui.file.path: Path to mac vendors database file.
  • mac.dim: The dimension that contains mac address.
  • mac.vendor.dim: The target dimension for vendor’s name about mac address.

This enricher processes a message and returns the mac vendor field. Not all mac address have mac vendor.


{"client_mac": "3c:ab:8e:12:34:56"}


{"client_mac": "3c:ab:8e:12:34:56", "client_mac_vendor":"Apple"}