Custom Functions

Functions Library

Currently there are custom functions developed for specific purposes. They allow you to process different kind of information.

You can check them at: Normalizer functions


On this section, we are trying to explain how to develop your own functions. All the function classes implement the Function interface.

If you want to build your own functions, you only need to implement some of the different abstract classes and add the JAR into the lib folder inside the normalizer distribution.


The base abstract class that you need to implement your own MapperFunction is MapperFunction class

Using this class you can develop your mappers like:

The abstract class has one method:

public KeyValue<String, Map<String, Object>> process(String key, Map<String, Object> value) {
    // some process that return a new KeyValue.

On each process call the normalize gives you a ‘key’ that is a kafka message key, and ‘value’ that is the deserialized json. You must return a KeyValue object with the new key and new Map instance with the transformations.


The base abstract class that you need to implement your own FlatMapperFunction is FlatMapperFunction class

The FlatMapper allows us to generate zero, one or more message from one message. The method that we need to implement is:

public Iterable<KeyValue<String, Map<String, Object>>> process(String key, Map<String, Object> value) {
   // some process that return a Array, List, or some collection.  

On each process call the normalize gives you a ‘key’ that is a kafka message key, and ‘value’ that is the deserialized json. You must return a empty collection or a collection with KeyValue objects.


The base abstract class that you need to implement your own MapperStoreFunction is MapperStoreFunction class

The MapperStore function has the same method that MapperFunction:

public KeyValue<String, Map<String, Object>> process(String key, Map<String, Object> value) {
    // some process that return a new KeyValue.

The unique difference is that you can use the method getStore(String storeName) to get a KeyValueStore<String, Map<String, V>>.

  • Note1: Also you can check the available store using getAvailableStores().
  • Note2: You need to define the store on the properties using the __STORES property that is a String JSON Array.

The MapperStore also works with windows, so if you set the property __WINDOW_TIME_MS you can implement the method:

    public abstract KeyValue<String, Map<String, Object>> window(long timestamp);

The message that are returned by window method are sent to kafka too.


The base abstract class that you need to implement your own FilterFunction is FilterFunction class

    public Boolean process(String key, Map<String, Object> value) {
        // some process that return a boolean

Functions Library

Currently there are custom functions developed for specific purposes. They allow you to process different kind of information.

You can check them at: Normalizer functions