Debug Functions

Currently, the normalizer has two debug functions, both mappers. You can add these mappers into the stream processing to debug.


The LogMapper prints all the message that pass by the function. The logger uses this format KEY: %s - VALUE: %s

  "name": "myLogMapper",
  "className": "io.wizzie.normalizer.funcs.impl.debug.LogMapper",
  "properties": { }


The MessagesMeanRateMapper tells us how many messages per second are processed by the normalizer.

This mapper has one property:

  • print_foreach: The number of messages each the mapper reports the metrics.

The output log has this format Messages rate mean: %.2f (Total: %d). The first value is the mean of messages per second and the second value is the total messages.

  "name": "myMeanRateMapper",
  "className": "io.wizzie.normalizer.funcs.impl.debug.MessagesMeanRateMapper",
  "properties": {
    "print_foreach": 1000